
April 4, 2023

Emotional Benefits of Yoga

Yoga continues to be an increasingly popular form of exercise. People of all ages and ability levels can enjoy and benefit from it. The activity is an effective way to build strength, improve flexibility, and develop a better range of motion throughout the body.

Yoga can also positively affect a person’s mind and emotions. For this reason, it becomes a good way to cope with the loss of a loved one. It’s useful to explore the ways that yoga can help you feel better emotionally.

What Happens in the Brain During Yoga

Though yoga can help a person become stronger and more flexible, its effects on the brain may be more important. When a person engages in yoga, the slow, controlled movements make the muscles in the body work harder and stimulate chemicals in the brain. These chemicals in the brain include serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, which can help to improve the person’s mood and simply help the individual feel happier.

A Depression Conqueror

Depression can occur when a person suffers the loss of a loved one. This may develop over time or even come on suddenly. A person may feel this way due to guilt, regret, or loneliness. Fortunately, yoga can help to relieve these symptoms. Compared with other common treatments for depression, such as medication and psychotherapy, yoga is much more financially friendly. In addition, yoga won’t produce side effects like drugs can.

A Clearer, Sharper Mind

The grief can be intense when there has been a death of a family member or friend. The consequences of this grief may impact one’s ability to think clearly or make everyday decisions. Yoga can improve the mind’s ability to focus and do its job more effectively.

Think of yoga as exercising the mind much as strength-building exercises enhance the muscles. When a person practices yoga, he can improve cognitive features such as memory, learning, awareness, attention, and communication.

Putting You in a Better Mood

It’s normal and expected to feel blue after suffering a difficult loss in your life. You may feel agitated, short-tempered and angry, or even unmotivated. Yoga can decrease stress levels by increasing the flow of oxygen to your brain.

There is also a brain chemical known as gamma-aminobutyric acid that plays a role in your brain during yoga. Yoga can stimulate this chemical, which can lessen anxiety and improve your mood.

A Better Night’s Sleep

Perhaps nothing helps your emotions more than a good night’s rest. Consistently getting enough quality sleep can help you check your emotions in check. Of course, this is easier said than done. Stress, grief, and anxiety can hamper your ability to sleep well.

Luckily, studies show that yoga can help you have higher-quality sleep. Consistent yoga may contribute to falling asleep faster, staying asleep longer, and sleeping more deeply.

A Good Way to Interact Socially

Lastly, when you practice yoga in groups, you can see social benefits, which can improve the way you feel. It’s easy to find local groups and community classes that do yoga. Joining one of these can be a good way to connect with other people and develop friendships.

The Bottom Line

If you are struggling in the wake of a loved one’s death, your emotional health may need a boost. Practicing yoga can help you achieve this goal. If you have other questions about how to manage stress after a personal loss, contact the staff at Wyuka Cemetery. Call us today at 401-474-3600.


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