Comments on: Audrey D. Nitz A Place of Rest Sat, 16 Jan 2021 15:28:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brent And DeeNise James. By Fri, 15 Jan 2021 20:55:41 +0000 We are saddened to learn of your mothers passing. She was always so kind and loving to our family. She is remembered with fond memories. May each of you know of her strong testimony and find peace in her next work beyond the veil. With love, from Brent and DeeNise James

By: Elizabeth Farran Fri, 15 Jan 2021 16:22:38 +0000 So sorry for your family. Having Audrey as a first cousin has always been a joy. She was so much fun to talk with and to even just sit and listen to. Her hand made gifts were always treasured. May God grant you peace and love during this time of great sorrow. Love you all, Cousin Elizabeth Clark Farran (Daughter of Dale & Lorraine Armstrong Clark)

By: Jim and Susan Randall Thu, 14 Jan 2021 21:22:59 +0000 Dear Nitz family,
It is with sadness we learn of Audrey’s passing. She was a great lady. She loved her family and loved to talk about them. She was proud of their many accomplishments.

She was a family history expert and loved searching for her ancestors and to offer help to others in their search for departed family members. She knew there is life after death. She had a strong testimony of Jesus Christ, her Lord and Savior.

There is a grand reunion taking place on the other side of the veil. Audrey is embracing and visiting with loved ones. Also, she is meeting with many others for whom she helped to a bright eternity.

Our loss of Audrey is the welcome home for her on the other side. She will be waiting to greet you at a future time. She is not gone; she has just changed her address.

We pray you will feel the peace and love of the Savior in your lives during this time of sorrow.

Love, Jim and Susan Randall

By: Gayle Pierce Thu, 14 Jan 2021 21:01:31 +0000 In reply to Mary & Duane Meyer.

I am saddened that Audrey has passed. May you find peace in knowing she will be with your loved ones that have passed on before her. My deepest sympathies and prayers to you all. Sincerely, Gayle Pierce and family

By: Mary & Duane Meyer Thu, 14 Jan 2021 17:05:10 +0000 We are so sorry to hear about your mothers passing. She always was ready to help anyone who needed help with their genealogy. She loved to talk about her beautiful family very much. She had some great stories she would share with us. She had a love for the Savior Jesus Christ.

We love your wonderful family and pray you can find peace that she has now gone on ahead to be with her husband and family members on the other side that she worked so hard to know here. I just can here your mom say “until we meet again”.
Duane & Mary Meyer
