When it comes to planning a funeral, there are endless ways that you can honor your loved ones. Through music, colors, and burial...

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Tips on Handling Major Life Decisions During the Grieving Process
According to Holmes-Rate Life Stress Inventory, losing a loved one can be the most emotional and stressful life event to happen. If...
Tips For Buying a Headstone
One aspect of a funeral that can sometimes be overlooked is the purchasing of a headstone. A headstone is the last piece of the...
What Happens if You Can’t Afford a Funeral?
The thought of not being able to afford a funeral after your loved one has passed away can be a very scary thing. You want to honor...
How To Write a Eulogy
So you’ve been asked to deliver a eulogy at a friend or family member’s funeral. If you’re a part of the small percentage of people...
How to Talk to Loved Ones About Final Wishes
Talking about death with a loved one can be an eerie thing to do, but it is really necessary to ensure that they will have everything...