Comments on: Ava Leona Hitchcock A Place of Rest Mon, 05 Aug 2019 01:28:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brittany Hitchcock, A.j (smiley boy) Adriel, Layla Jean and sweet baby Atticus Leigh Mon, 05 Aug 2019 01:28:47 +0000 Theres not a day that goes by that I dont think of my Grandma. From the cat I now spoil, the music notes behind my ear, the jewelry me and my daughter play with,the Tea Set I cherish and the sweets,pies and Galliano’s that keep me forever connected to her. One of the brightest souls ive come to know and the best part was that she loved me the most Hahahaha the best part was placing two of my own children in her arms and watch her instantly love them like she always did us.

By: Joy Larsen Sat, 08 Jun 2013 14:19:17 +0000 Lloyd,Lloydette and family,
I was sad to learn of Ava’s passing. Since I am no longer at Windcrest I heard a little later. Ava was a nice person and we did laugh together-she loved her cats -well and her one kitty at the later months-when they first came Lloyd would say cats aren’t coming-I would just smile and think oh sure-they came Ha !
God Bless you all-my thoughts are with you.
Joy Larsen
