Comments on: Beverly Faye Pagel A Place of Rest Sat, 19 Feb 2011 23:19:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Phyllis Albrecht Costanti Sat, 19 Feb 2011 23:19:16 +0000 Bev was the most loyal friend one could ever have. We met in 1979 when we were commuting on the city bus to jobs in downtown Lincoln. We were friends for the next thirty years. Bev loved anything lavender, especially the long row of lilacs in her backyard. She loved long walks in Pioneer Park, and at least once she participated in a Volksmarch. She had so many friends, and enjoyed introducing them to each other. She had the patience to coax an avocado seed to grow into a tall tree. She was a devout Christian, and I know she is in a far better place now, with no pain or sorrow, spirit soaring as she communes with Jesus and other Christian friends. I know we’ll meet again in the next world, but I miss her so much already, and she is barely gone. Fare thee well, dear friend and “sister”. Lovingly, Phyllis Albrecht Costanti

By: Jane Sloan Mon, 14 Feb 2011 17:00:39 +0000 We moved next door to Dorothy’s house across the street from Bev. She was such a sweet person-always helping others. We will miss her greatly.

By: Stan McNicol Mon, 14 Feb 2011 07:52:27 +0000 Bev and I had the privilege of riding in her Uncle Joe and Aunt Myrtle’s yellow Chevrolet with stick shift when she was at her aunt Claribel Timmreck and my Grandma Myrtle and Grandpa Joe’s home in the country near McMinnville, Oregon. The ride in part was on a dirt road that eventually had such deep ruts that we had to back up and turn around.

I am already missing her as I called her on each weekend for quite a long period of time until there was no answer when she was near departing to go to a perfect place with Jesus.

I am so grateful for all the kindness of her friends and family, and that she was able to have times of genuine joy and giving to others. Thank you to you who have made her life enriched over the years. Tabitha facilities and staff were the best of their kind that I have ever visited.

Thank you, Lord, for receiving her into Your presence. May all who have known Bev receive Your gift of eternal life individually, and together enjoy the significance of Your body and blood given to buy us back to You. Thank You, Lord, for being a risen Savior and Lord, coming with those who are with You already to take the rest of us to be with You forever. Thank You God of hope for filling us with all joy and peace as we trust in you, so that we may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13).

One time the phone was answered at the last, and that contact led to the precious time I had with her and some of you as she was peacefully going home. You all were so warmly gracious. I really wanted to stay and be with you at least through Monday the 14th to celebrate her going home where many of you will be at beautiful WYUKA with family and friends and the enjoyable people on staff I met there last week.

By: Julie Lienert Sun, 13 Feb 2011 23:25:11 +0000 Bev was one of the funniest (and brightest) ladies I remember ever meeting as a kid… It was definitely a highlight getting to see her (and Eunice and Diney) during our summer visits back to Nebraska with my Mom (Shirley ‘Buzz’ Bazant). Boy did we laugh together. And laugh and laugh. I don’t know what it’s like to be a sorority sister nowadays, but back in the day at UNL, it must’ve really been something.

I’ll always remember these special visits, and Bev’s letters over the years… what an extraordinary woman to get to meet as a young girl. My prayers go out to her family, and to Bev — that your spirit may now be fully soaring.

By: Beth Hickman Sun, 13 Feb 2011 00:48:52 +0000 Bev…SO many friends and kitty cat buddies are lining up to greet you. Thanks for being a friend of mine for over 40 years. Lots of lunches and laughs over the years. Rest easy.

By: Shirley Lienert Sat, 12 Feb 2011 22:10:52 +0000 Bev and I were sorority sisters at U of N and played tennis on some of the hottest and most humid days during the summer, often being the only ones on the court. After moving to CA I kept in touch with her and always reunited for a great visit on my trips back to Nebraska. Even though distance separated us, the bonding from our college days did not. She was a wonderful friend with a great sense of humor. I will miss her
Shirley (Bazant) Lienert

By: Sally Cameron Sat, 12 Feb 2011 03:53:38 +0000 Bev and my mother,Wilma Quattrocchi, became friends when my parents lived on C street. They stayed friends for over forty years until my mom died in 1996. Bev was always someone who was kind and compassionate and did so much for others. I am so sorry that I will be unable to attend her services on Monday, but I wanted you to know that she was a very special person in many people’s lives and will be greatly missed.

By: Susan Ellis Sat, 12 Feb 2011 02:20:11 +0000 Bev was a wonderful friend to the Ellis family when we lived on “C” St from 1979-1986. She was a devoted daughter and friend. Her mother had knitted a pink hat for my daughter Lindsey when she was born in October 1979. I took that hat to New Jersey when Lindsey had twins -a boy and a girl – in March 2009 and sent Bev a picture of Lindsey’s daughter Scarlett in the hat. She responded with the sweetest letter telling me how much the photo meant to her. My husband Dake and I are currently visiting Lindsey and family in Hawaii where her husband is stationed in the Air Force. Only this morning I unpacked some of the baby clothes I had brought with me for the girl Lindsey is expecting in June. I said to myself, “I will have to send Bev a photo of this little girl in the pink hat as well.”
We are so saddened to hear of your loss and will be thinking of her and her family at the time of the memorial service.

By: Charlie Allen Fri, 11 Feb 2011 02:41:34 +0000 Bev and her parents lived across C Street from my grandmother and was a dear friend to all of my family over the years. It was a pleasure to know her from the time I was very little and still remember how much fun it was to transition into adulthood and get to be friends with her as “grownups”. She was a very kind and special lady and will be greatly missed.

By: Heather Goebel Thu, 10 Feb 2011 20:46:51 +0000 Bev lived across the street from my grandmother, Dorothy Kracht, she was a very good friend to her and was always so nice to us.
I had the opportunity to provide care to her mother while she was in the nursing home and realized what an amazing daughter she was, she had a special spirit and people were blessed for having known her.
