Comments on: Bill D. Smith A Place of Rest Fri, 02 Aug 2013 13:13:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dell & Marlene Fischer Thu, 01 Aug 2013 21:13:09 +0000 Dear Virgie & Family: Was Very Sorry to read of the passing of another name from the past. You Virgie and Bill rented a home from my parents Arnold & Hazel Fischer on So. 24th many years ago. They appreciated you very much then and also through their ongoing acquaintance and friendship with you through Woodmen’s, etc. for many many years. It is always difficult to lose our loved ones and know Bill will be missed by all who knew and loved him. Our Deepest Sympathy to You All during this most difficult time…Our Best, Dell & Marlene Fischer, Walla Walla, Wa.

By: Anna Hanselmann Thu, 01 Aug 2013 16:49:53 +0000 Dear Barb and Mike,

I just wanted to let you know how sorry I am about your dad…I know how much you loved him and how much he meant to all of you…David’s dad went to Heaven last July and there are so many wonderful memories we will never forget. I pray that Jesus is holding you close reminding you that He has your dad now…David’s mom was at the Monarch 5 years ago…what a blessing that a place like that is available…peace and comfort and love…even though we don’t see each other…you are in my heart…Love and prayers, Anna

By: Pat Criger Wed, 31 Jul 2013 03:05:26 +0000 I was so sad to read about Bill’s passing. I worked with him at Woodmen and we carpooled for many years. Bill was such a kind, considerate and caring person. He was so proud of his kids and grand kids. He will be greatly missed by all. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family.

By: S. Elaine Wed, 31 Jul 2013 02:39:16 +0000 To the Smith family,
My deepest condolences over the loss of Bill. I pray for friends to comfort you, faith to uphold you, and loving memories to heal your heart. Never forget that you can lean on your Heavenly Father for support. He is a comforter of all those who mourn. In His Word the Bible, He tells us that through His Son Christ Jesus our loved ones will one day awake from their restful sleep to enjoy life in paradise. John 11:11; John 6:40; Revelation 21:3,4. Although this does not take away the pain that is felt today, in time may it comfort you to know that God loves you and that death is not the end. Heartfelt prayers of peace are with you. Galatians 1:3.

By: Dave Hilligoss Tue, 30 Jul 2013 17:27:30 +0000 Virgi and Barb, and family;
I am sorry to hear of Bill’s death. I enjoyed getting to meet and visit with him…especially when he called me at the station to give me a hard time about something. May God’s promises to comfort you give you strength as you walk through these difficult days.
Dave Hilligoss
