Comments on: Bruce M. Herriott A Place of Rest Tue, 19 Jul 2011 22:12:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robin Sue Dietel Fisher Tue, 19 Jul 2011 22:12:15 +0000 to Darlene Herriott;
Please accept my condolences. I have such good memories of visiting your home during my four years at Union College (1976-1880). I remember playing chess games with Bruce and wonderful meals made by Darlene. You always treated me like a close relative and part of the family. It is my 53rd birthday today,so the years do pass quickly! I am sorry for your family’s loss. God Bless.

By: Maureen & Jim Harvey Mon, 18 Jul 2011 14:25:27 +0000 Bruce Herriott will most certainly be missed by everyone who knew him. As a life long neighbor of the Herriotts, I can attest Bruce was special..a man who lived his faith every day. A gentle soul who is now at peace with those who went before him. Darlene, Pat, Dan, and their families are being remembered by us in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

By: Ted McConnell Sun, 17 Jul 2011 22:22:49 +0000 Dearest Ma’Mom, Dan, Nataliya, Pat and Doug, Angie and all of Poppa Bruce’s Family: Take comfort in your special memories of Poppa Bruce. He always will be an inspiration and example of a good, kind decent man and life well lived. I am so honored to be an honorary Herriott. With much love,
Ted McConnell
Washington, DC

By: Carolyn and Bob Iodice Sun, 17 Jul 2011 15:56:06 +0000 Sending you caring thoughts and prayers–Carolyn
