Comments on: Christina “Tina” Marie Payne A Place of Rest Thu, 14 Mar 2019 01:37:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shelly rea Thu, 14 Mar 2019 01:37:35 +0000 So sorry to hear about Tina..her smiling face and love for her family was amazing.

By: Sandy Blanco-Anderson Sun, 03 Mar 2019 18:42:34 +0000 3/3/2019

Daniel & Family~

My deepest sympathies to you and the family.
I enjoyed working with Tina @ The Monarch. We had so much fun cooking and caring for our patients. I believe Daniel even stopped in a couple of times. She was one of God’s Angel’s here on earth and will now be one of his Angel’s in Heaven. She always had a smile on her face and her laughter was contagious. Rest child of God.
God Bless you all,
Sandy Blanco-Anderson

By: Nicole Cagle Sun, 03 Mar 2019 08:58:19 +0000 In reply to Alexis Grimes.

Alexis thank you so much. She truly touched alot of lives. Thank u for the kind words. Her eldest daughter Nicole

By: Sharee A McKee Fri, 01 Mar 2019 12:23:00 +0000 Dear Family
Tina was a wonderful happy person and a joy to work with . I was fortunate to work with her for a short time at Ashland Care Center but was always glad when she and I had the same shift . Tina will be deeply missed my prayers to all ?. Sincerely Sharee A. McKee

By: Susan Chmidling Thu, 28 Feb 2019 21:41:43 +0000 I am so sorry to learn of Tina’s passing. She was a joy and we loved her very much. She was my ex-husband’s Goddaughter and was very special to us.My heart breaks for all of you. But she will always be with you—-just look around, her memory is right there!!!! My love to you all. Great Aunt Susan Chmidling.

By: Boogie and Barb Whitfield Thu, 28 Feb 2019 20:41:54 +0000 We express our most sincere condolences to Jason and his beautiful family. We were honored to have known Tina — she made a difference in our lives. There’s a new Angel in Heaven — she can rest because she has earned her wings!

By: Beth Sheridan Thu, 28 Feb 2019 16:51:45 +0000 So very sorry for your loss Dan and family prayers

By: Bethsheridan Thu, 28 Feb 2019 16:50:09 +0000 So sorry for your loss prayers

By: Kathy Rowlands Thu, 28 Feb 2019 14:45:29 +0000 I am sorry to hear about your mother’s passing. I knew your family back on Holdrege Street. We lived on the corner of 59th. You probably would remember Kelly and Erin Rowlands. I remember the three of you playing together with my children and also Cory next to us and how we would celebrate the 4th of July together. Our hearts and prayers are with you all.

By: Alexis Grimes Thu, 28 Feb 2019 11:31:42 +0000 Dear Family of the wonderful Tina,
I worked with Tina for awhile up at Gateway Vista in Lincoln. We would always try to make sure we could trade floors so we could work together. We would take turns on who bought the energy drink or snacks that night. She was one of my favorite nurses, she taught me a lot throughout the time I was there. She had such an amazing soul, so kind, so outgoing, funny and just a great person to be around. She gave WONDERFUL advice when I was down. She was my nurse momma! The stories Tina would tell us on NOC shift and the guidance she gave me was amazing. It honestly saved my life and my marriage. This life won’t be as bright without her in it. She made the whole floor light up when she worked. We knew no matter what when we seen her smile getting off the elevator on that floor that we were going to have a WONDERFUL night. I miss working with her, having those late night talks, that guidance that could just turn the worst into the best. I am very blessed to have been able to experience and enjoy her presence. She will always be in my heart. Thank you Tina for always listening to us on the floor and helping us no matter what you were personally going through. I remember when you came back to work after that time you went to the hospital and you were so tired, dizzy, and we just rocked it together. Gosh how I am going to miss you! Fly high beautiful!
