Comments on: Dayle E. Johnson A Place of Rest Sat, 25 Aug 2018 21:19:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kim Borowiak Sat, 25 Aug 2018 21:19:39 +0000 Two families were blessed to have Dayle Johnson in their lives. He meant everything to all of us and his heart was big enough for all of us. I will always treasure the time he had with us and what he meant to us. I will miss him.

By: Amy Dixon Fri, 24 Aug 2018 18:05:02 +0000 We’re going to miss Dayley – I always enjoyed hanging out with him, trying new beers, shooting the breeze and sitting outside.

So blessed to have had him in our family for the last ten years. He fit like a glove.

I loved his corny jokes, his orneriness – which was never mean – he liked to make people smile and laugh. I got such a kick out it when I learned he liked going to Elvis shows with Pauline, then mom. Lucky ladies – he was a good man.

To peace, love and light in a race car~
Cheers to Dayle….

And yes, I can picture him with Pauline and Mike having a vodka sours :-)

By: Georgann Thu, 23 Aug 2018 18:55:42 +0000 Deepest condolences to the Johnson & Lindholm relatives, on behalf of the 3 surviving grandchildren (Don & George Miller, and Georgann Mantor) of George & Anna (Lindholm) Marshall of Valparaiso.

By: Legacy Nurse Thu, 23 Aug 2018 02:15:47 +0000 My condolences to the family. Dayle was a man who certainly knew how to live life, and he sure had a ball living his. Ill never forget how he taught me to putt in his living room, after he bumped his button. “since you’re here”. I told him it wasn’t a good idea, he says what’s the worst that can happen you break the window? I’ll never forget that!
Sending prayers to the family.

By: Richard Draper Wed, 22 Aug 2018 23:11:02 +0000 Condolences, from Richard and Susan Draper

By: Richard Draper Wed, 22 Aug 2018 14:23:51 +0000 Condolences from Richard and Susan Draper

By: Kelli Achen Wed, 22 Aug 2018 12:53:11 +0000 My family was very fortunate for mom and Dayle to find each other so late in life. New love in our later years is different. It is less complicated. It is less cluttered by the expectations of life. You have the time to truly learn who each other is and what you mean to each other. Mom and Dayle had a loving and sweet and very romantic life together. My family and I were blessed to count him as family. Mom and Pauline were blessed to have the friendship that they had. That blessing lead Dayle to mom. Dayle is an amazing man and he is loved and missed by so many people. I hope he, Pauline, and Mike are enjoying a nice cold vodka sour. Cheers to all of the people we love and miss.
