
September 4, 2021

How to Plan A Virtual Funeral

The technology of today is incredibly important in our daily lives and that became more evident in the year 2020. Technology has an influence on nearly everything we do, and every event we celebrate. That even includes funerals and memorials. With the increase of video chatting and live streaming services, families are able to connect with their loved ones regardless of how far away they live. 

Whether it’s due to financial issues, traveling problems due to health or inclement weather, or working to accommodate distant loved ones, virtual funerals have become more and more popular throughout the year. A virtual funeral is just another option for families to honor their loved ones. 

How do you begin planning a virtual funeral? Continue reading to learn everything you need to know. 

What Is A Virtual Funeral? 

A virtual celebration of life or funeral can look different for everyone. For some, it may be an entirely online, collaborative service where everyone invited is behind their own screens. For others, it may be primarily in person with a live streaming aspect so distant friends and family members can attend and honor their loved ones. 

A virtual funeral can be as easy as turning on a laptop or mobile phone and joining a video stream. These streams can be broadcast from a chosen venue or shared individually with friends and family. Like many funerals, a virtual funeral can still include speeches, slideshows, scripture readings or other family traditions – it will just be done a little differently. 

Benefits For A Virtual Funeral

What are the benefits of having a fully or partially virtual funeral? Here are a few ways that this could be beneficial to your family. 

Social distancing: The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way that people gather in groups, especially for elderly or those who are immunocompromised. It can be hard to follow proper social distancing guidelines in crowded areas such as funeral homes or churches. Instead of trying to coordinate the use of masks and staying six feet apart, a virtual funeral is the perfect option. It allows everyone to be involved and honor their loved ones at their own level of comfort. 

Long-Distance Travel: For large families, it can be difficult to coordinate a funeral for people who live in different parts of the country. Not only do they need to schedule days off of work, but last-minute travel can be incredibly expensive. By having a virtual funeral, you can help take the stress off your loved ones by making it possible for them to attend virtually. No matter where they’re located, they’re able to participate in the celebration of life. 

Budget: Traditional funeral planning can become very expensive and can sometimes be a financial burden for families needing to book large venues. When you add in the cost of the funeral itself plus food and drinks – it can add up quickly. Rather than worrying about seating, parking, and snacks, you can save money by hosting a virtual funeral. 

No matter what type of funeral you’re planning on having, the planning process will be very similar. You’ll still need a casket or urn, flowers, memorial remembrance gifts, and anything else your loved one requested before they died. You’ll also still be required to handle all the legal paperwork that is associated with a death. 

For more information about the technological side of a virtual funeral, you can check out this detailed guide here

Virtual Funeral Etiquette 

When someone invites you to a virtual funeral, what is the proper etiquette so you don’t disrupt other guests? 

Here are a few things you should keep in mind. 

  • Arrive Early: Although you don’t have to worry about parking or directions to the venue, it’s still smart to plan your schedule so you are in the live stream at least 10 minutes before it starts. This gives you time to troubleshoot any glitches with technology. 
  • Avoid distractions: Move to a location where you won’t be distracted by other things. Close social media, put your phone in another room, and shut off TVs. You’re attending the funeral to honor your loved one so it’s important that you’re mentally and physically present the entire time. 
  • Dress nicely: Even though you may not be going out in public, it’s still important that you dress nicely. Keep your hair brushed, put on makeup and be presentable for the funeral. If it’s interactive, you may be speaking with other members of the virtual funeral. 
  • Consider using a neutral background: Consider where you’re going to be for the funeral. Clean up any surrounding areas so you don’t distract other guests with your background. Your background doesn’t need to be “picture-perfect”, but it should look presentable. 
  • Ensure that your microphone is muted: The last thing that you want to happen during a virtual funeral is inadvertent talking or background noises. By keeping yourself muted you can be sure that you won’t cause a disruption to the service. If you’re a scheduled speaker, keep yourself muted until it’s your time to talk – just remember to un-mute yourself before speaking. 


At Wyuka, you’re not alone in the grieving process. Take a look at our list of incredible grief resources to help you through the grieving process. 

Here at Wyuka, it is an honor to care and a privilege to serve. We’re Wyuka Cemetery, a place of rest.




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