Comments on: Kenneth C. Olsen A Place of Rest Tue, 07 Jun 2011 21:45:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Tue, 07 Jun 2011 21:45:33 +0000 Kenny was a dear, dear man. Such a kind and generous heart and such a humble spirit! I shall miss seeing him at church, his welcoming smile, his firm handshake, his sense of connection to all who knew him. God blessed him in so many ways and he in turn blessed us. My thoughts are with you.

By: Anne & Lois Mosher & family Fri, 03 Jun 2011 12:39:10 +0000 When I hear the word “neighborly” two names and faces immediately come to mind: Kenny and Eleanor Olsen. From 1954 (or so) until 1970 they–along with Sandy, Marci and Barb–were our cherished next-door neighbors. Always there with a kind word, a cup of sugar, a specific nut or bolt for a power tool, babysitting services, gardening and woodworking advice, and wonderful fun in the backyard–especially on July 4th. Such wonderful role models for what it means to be a “good neighbor.” Words simply cannot convey how deeply saddened I am at Kenny’s passing. Our sympathies, love, and gratitude to all of the wonderful Olsen/Rosecrans/Alberti/Reid clan.

Anne Mosher behalf of Lois Mosher, Carl, Meghan and Matthew Vonden Steinen
