Comments on: Leta Powell Drake A Place of Rest Thu, 30 Sep 2021 14:08:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Christie Schwartzkopf Schroff Thu, 30 Sep 2021 14:08:26 +0000 Leta and I were golf partners in the UNL Faculty league for several years. She dubbed us “Leta of the Links” and “Christie of the Course” – it always made me laugh or smile when she’d call or greet me with her bold voice. I loved hearing her life stories and about her current projects; I learned so much from her (e.g., she was working on documenting the Orphan Trains that stopped in North Platte). It was Leta who introduced me to OLLI. And Aaron, it was Leta who told me that her son Aaron was the first responder on the scene when my dad Sam had his stroke – for that I will be forever grateful to you. For Leta’s friendship I’ll be forever grateful.

By: James J. Augustyn Thu, 23 Sep 2021 01:45:02 +0000 Leta was on the same faculty/staff bowling team with me for twenty years, and she was a major contributor to the team’s successes.

Leta contributed to the world in which she lived in many positive ways, and I got learn of them through 20 years of contact in bowling and in golf. It always amazed how she had the energy to keep so involved. As a friend said, “Quite the Lady”. Mai extend my sincere condolences to Leta’s family and many friends.

By: Lori Anderson Drake Mon, 20 Sep 2021 20:00:00 +0000 Will miss “Leta of the Lake” or as she would say to me – the other ldrake. We met through emails and then got to bowl together. She was so helpful and encouraging when I just couldn’t hit that head pin. God bless you. Aaron – so sorry for your loss. I also went to LHS and graduate in ’79. I remember that you were a swimmer. God bless you also.
