Comments on: Marilyn J. Hasselbalch A Place of Rest Fri, 03 Jan 2014 22:48:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mitch McCartney Tue, 10 Dec 2013 16:25:18 +0000 Much earlier in my life, Marilyn was incredibly generous with her time and gave me career opportunities that any young person interested in politics would have loved to have had. I have never forgotten her kindness to me in that regard.

By: John Molko Tue, 10 Dec 2013 16:15:06 +0000 I was saddened to hear of Marilyn’s passing. I became a certified appraiser under her tenure as NRPAB Director, and had the pleasure of getting to know her through the process. She was always professional and helpful. It pleases me she knew the Lord Jesus, and will be in His presence forever.

By: Jody Tue, 10 Dec 2013 15:21:34 +0000 I was sad to learn of the passing of Marilyn. Marilyn was a great mentor to me as I ventured into my secretarial career as a young woman. She was a smart lady who taught me alot, especially the art of writing a good letter. She most certainly left a legacy and an impact upon my own life. Blessings to the family.

By: Steen Stone Mon, 09 Dec 2013 20:25:27 +0000 I am sorry to hear of Marilyn’s passsing. During her tenure as the Director of the Nebraska Appraisal Board, she was very professional during our visits whether she was asking for a supplemental note to the state legislature or asking for additional file documentation. Marilyn was always promoting the appraisal profession, and to this I admired her.

By: John A. Usher Mon, 09 Dec 2013 18:51:47 +0000 Marilyn was a great friend. We had some wonderful times over the years. Nebraska and the world is a better place
because of her. It would be good if there were more people
that could walk in her footsteps. My thoughts are with her family.

By: Sharon Mon, 09 Dec 2013 14:13:14 +0000 I am very sorry for your loss.Marilyn was a very interesting,smart and kind person.She will be missed by many.She had a full life.Enjoy your memories of her and know she will be with you in your thoughts.

By: Marilyn Barnes Sun, 08 Dec 2013 18:02:50 +0000 I am very sorry for the loss of Marilyn. I was able to spend some time with her in her last months and found her to be very sweet and kind. I enjoyed our visits very much and looked forward to each one. I pray you find comfort in God’s loving embrace during your time of sorrow.
