Comments on: Marjory Lynne Thomsen A Place of Rest Wed, 10 Feb 2021 16:26:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joey Erback Wed, 10 Feb 2021 16:26:28 +0000 I’m so sorry to hear this just found out , my heart hurt s for your loss , I will cherish this moment I had up there , if you get this message please contact me

By: Scott Schroeder Sat, 29 Dec 2018 03:22:15 +0000 Thomsen family
We are so sorry to hear of Marj’s passing! I have fond memories of growing up with the Thomsen clan of which Marj was always in the middle managing it all. I know my folks enjoyed your company too beside working with you at school! Please know you will be in our prayers in this difficult time!

By: Agustina Hernandez Fri, 28 Dec 2018 23:24:18 +0000 I’m very sorry for your loss, Marjory was always kind to me at Greenfields. Every time she came to eat at Greenfields she said she only came to see me, it always made my day when she said that. She was very sweet and gave the best hugs! I am going to miss seeing her face come through the restaurant doors, lots of prayers for your family, especially Marjory’s husband Marvin.

By: Lori McCumber Parriott Fri, 28 Dec 2018 23:22:04 +0000 So sorry to hear of Marjory’s passing. The McCumber family extends thoughts and prayers to the entire Thomsen family.

By: Mary Ann Apfel Fri, 28 Dec 2018 21:07:49 +0000 Marv and family, We are very sorry to learn of Margery’s passing. She was a gem and we always enjoyed being with you. We never forget friends who were part of our lives. We are thinking of you and keeping you in prayer. Ray and Mary Ann Apfel Wood River, NE

By: Vicki Fri, 28 Dec 2018 20:26:47 +0000 Teresa and family, our sincere condolences on Marjory’s passing! May our virtual hugs and prayers surround you and give you peace.
Vicki & Mike Palu (Welch)

By: Lynn (Sahling) Struebing Fri, 28 Dec 2018 16:48:52 +0000 Dear Thomsen family, I am so sorry to learn of Marjory’s passing. I remember many wonderful times the Sahling and Thomsen families spent together. She was always loving and caring toward everyone and had a wonderful laugh! She will be missed. Please know that I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. May God bless you all and bring you comfort and peace at this time and always.

By: Joy Larsen Fri, 28 Dec 2018 15:00:27 +0000 What a sweet lady.So very sorry for your lost.
