Comments on: Richard J. Cubbison Sr. A Place of Rest Wed, 15 Jun 2016 23:55:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tim McKee Wed, 15 Jun 2016 23:55:17 +0000 My condolences to the whole Cubbison family.

I have some very fond memories of caddying for Mr. Cubbison at Hillcrest, after taking over from my older brothers. Mr. Cubbison was always so nice to me. He would always buy me a snack at the turn (Dr Pepper and a snickers) and would give me a ride home, even after we moved to the Northeast part of town. He was always a gentleman on the course. Looking back, I now consider him a role model for me at that young age. He led by example.

I remember a time when he was paired up with Coach Osborne for a special golf event so he had me get a cart so I could drive Coach and him around. Of course Coach Osborne wanted to walk, so I ended up just driving their clubs around.

Mr. Cubbison took me to my first Husker game. Wow. Talk about life changing. :)
