Comments on: Ronald L. Ahl A Place of Rest Tue, 03 Nov 2020 10:43:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chris Gomon Dean Tue, 03 Nov 2020 10:43:00 +0000 Ron was a sweet man who adored his family, especially his wife. I will never forget all our conversations in my office at the bank close to his home. We laughed & cried together over the years as he enjoyed sharing stories about his life, adventures & family.
I knew his sons as we were the same age & they hung out with my older brother, so he would share shenanigans of their youth, as well as pictures from his trips & stories of many topics. If I was busy with another customer, he would make sure I, at the very least, saw him and wave hello before he left.
I will treasure the memories we shared and I am grateful to know he is at peace and surrounded by those he dearly loved who passed before him. Rest In Peace my friend, until we meet again.

By: Donna Pelc - Lincoln, NE Mon, 02 Nov 2020 15:35:13 +0000 Ron was my father-in-law for several years. I married his son, Jeff, in 1985 and was blessed with 2 sons, Jacob Tyler Ahl and Joshua Lind Ahl. Ron was one of a kind and always found humor in most situations. I remember trips that Jeff and I would take with Ron and Jan to Vegas. We certainly had a great time. I will never forget when I would call their house (to speak to Jan) he would always yell upstairs “Telephone for Jeanette!!” I’m sure they were glad to see him when he arrived in heaven…..

By: Beverly Vogel Sun, 01 Nov 2020 17:15:41 +0000 My deepest condolences to the family if Ronskd Ahl. There will always be a life full of happy memories to look back on in the days and years ahead.

Beverly (Smith) Vogel
Employee at LT&T in his dad’s department. His sister, Joanie, was Carl’s secretary.
