Comments on: Shirley A. Hill A Place of Rest Thu, 31 Mar 2016 15:13:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joan Barrie Thu, 31 Mar 2016 15:13:41 +0000 Wow, what a Mom you had! She was so special to me too. I met Shirley when I came to work at Bryan Hospital in 1984. She was running the night shift without a mgr., with construction, not enough workers and high census. She got the job done in those crazy times because she was creative, hardworking, fun, respected and loved by all. Her favorite quote that I remember was “100 yrs. from today what difference will it make?” Her optimism was one of her secrets to life. She passed so much of her love and wisdom to us all. With Fred by her side those two were totally devoted to Bryan and it’s mission! I am so blessed to have known Shirley……..

By: Nancy Buxton Mon, 28 Mar 2016 13:00:38 +0000 I was saddened to read that Shirley passed away. My parents (Mary Jane and Cecil Simpson) were neighbors with Fred and Shirley for years. Shirley was always so cheerful and such a good neighbor. We appreciated the fact that she always kept an eye on my mom as she aged. She was a special lady in every way. I am sorry for your loss but thankful you have such fun and loving memories.

By: Kari Gange Closner Sun, 27 Mar 2016 22:57:40 +0000 My Dearest Shirley,

I am so saddened that you have passed away, but I know you are with your beloved Fred. I have no doubt that he greeted you. You were the best boss I have ever had when I worked at Bryan East Hospital. You made working the weekends so much fun and you treated me as if I was part of your family. Brian, DeeAnn and I all loved you and had such respect for you. You always gave wise advice and I so appreciated it. I know you’ll always be my angel. You’ll forever be in my heart. Love and miss you so much.

By: bob mersed Thu, 24 Mar 2016 02:20:13 +0000 “Another Lincoln High Job Well Done.”
