Comments on: Stanley C. Keller A Place of Rest Wed, 27 Nov 2019 02:42:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kaylee Wed, 27 Nov 2019 02:42:44 +0000 dear grandpa :(
I miss you so much and I can’t wait to see you again. I really wish you were here to see me growup. I’m in highschool now and it’s really hard without you . I love you

By: Kaylee Keller Sun, 22 Jan 2017 02:28:55 +0000 Rest in peace.I hope your having fun with your parents im happy you get to see them.Just remember i’ll see you later on in life ?

By: KateLynn Keller Mon, 16 Jan 2017 14:33:41 +0000 Rest in peace grandpa we miss you ??

By: Kaylee Mon, 12 Dec 2016 16:40:38 +0000 I Love You Always & Still Do.We Will Miss You.I’m Glad I Gave You A Hug & Kiss & Said My last Words To you I love You

By: Gary Eberspascher Sat, 03 Sep 2016 02:37:15 +0000 Dear Peggy and Family,
I just heard of Stan’s cancer and passing away yesterday. I am so sorry for your loss. I was a classmate of Stan’s and a good friend. I have been in the process this summer of putting together some pictures of a float 5 of us senior boys snuck into the Homecoming Parade. I had written a story to go with it and several other stories that tell about some of the trouble he and I used to cause in high school, including having a working moonshine still hidden in the Chemistry lab storage area. I have about 9 1/2 pages of stories to go along with the three pictures I had blown up and one newspaper picture had to be digitally restored. I had planned on seeing if I could have gotten the five of us together once more this year and given them the pictures and the story of float to go with it.
In 1989 I had some brain damage due to sinus infection going through the bone and into my brain. At the time we thought we were lucky and the damage was minor but every year older I got more things would keep popping up due to the brain damage. 1999 was my last year I could work, after that I had to go on disability. When I was 54 years old the doctors started to treat me for dementia and when I was 58 years old they started treating me for Alzheimer’s. In 2012, at 60 years of age, I started to write down my life history for my family. All that I have written about Stan was done when I wrote the story about the fun I had at Milford High School in 2015. The whole story was 29 pages long, with those 9 1/2 pages being about Stan with me. Today I wrote down another 2 pages of memories starting from when we first met. If you would be interested in the pictures and the stories about Stan for your family I would be glad to send them to you. I would just need your address. If Stan ever talked about having a tall friend in high school that would be me. I am Gary Eberspacher and I live at 402 North F Street, Milford, Nebraska. My phone number is 402-761-2712

By: LeAnna Stork Fri, 05 Aug 2016 23:43:55 +0000 Our thoughts of love and support are with you all. Uncle Stan will be missed by so many.

By: Patrick & Julie Lawler Fri, 05 Aug 2016 14:47:42 +0000 Mr. Keller will be missed. His life was an example of passion and service to others. He certainly passed that trait on to his daughter, Becky. She has been a gift to so many! Winston Churchill said “I am prepared to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.” I think of that quote because Becky was kind enough to share stories about her father that always brought a smile to my face. Know that your family is in our hearts and thoughts.

By: Ronnie & Norma Jean Wed, 03 Aug 2016 02:17:11 +0000 Sorry to hear of your loss. Our families thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
