Comments on: Violet I. Wurm A Place of Rest Wed, 07 Oct 2015 19:01:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Becky Wurm Clark Wed, 07 Oct 2015 19:01:20 +0000 In reply to Crystal Moore.

Dear Crystal and family — Thank you for your kind thoughts and condolences. Your “Aunt Violet” was always appreciative that you retained a good relationship with her. Peace and blessings to you. -Becky

By: Becky Wurm Clark Wed, 07 Oct 2015 18:59:10 +0000 In reply to Keith Camann.

Dear Keith, thank you very much for your kind thoughts and regards. My remembrances of Aunt Lucille and Uncle Wally are all fond and fun. We all appreciate your sympathy. -Becky

By: Becky Wurm Clark Wed, 07 Oct 2015 18:52:37 +0000 In reply to Gladys Dederman.

Thank you so much for your kind condolences, Mrs. Dederman. We appreciate you sharing your fond memories of the past. Peace and blessings to you. -Becky

By: Crystal Moore Sat, 11 Jul 2015 13:03:52 +0000 we were sad to here of the passing of your mom. she was such a dignified lady. We remember the times she would walk to our house for a visit and to see the kids. She was so proud of all of you. Family was a strong value to her. Cherish your memories they are priceless.
Our hugs and sympathy we send to all of you. Crystal and Randy Moore, Charlie, P.J and Spencer Wilksen and families.

By: Keith Camann Fri, 10 Jul 2015 12:27:11 +0000 Dear John, Katie and Becky,

I was saddened to hear that Aunt Violet died. My mother always spoke so highly of her little sister and on the few occasions I got to see her I was touched by her warm and friendly nature.

Love, Keith and Ellen Camann

By: Gladys Dederman Thu, 09 Jul 2015 15:18:12 +0000 Becky & Family, My thought and Prayers are with you at his time. All the memories growing up at Trinity Lutheran watching all you kids grow up, how times have changed, very few of us left. God Bless You.
Gladys Dederman (Mrs Arthur)
