Comments on: Wallace J. Gant Jr. A Place of Rest Wed, 04 Jan 2023 21:22:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul Hicks Wed, 04 Jan 2023 21:22:13 +0000 In reply to Rena Esther Payeton.

Mr. Gant and I worked at the Pen for many years in HU 3 together. We had it made and at times would pick up our pay checks walking backwards as we had life so good. Was a trusted man of God. Loved his kids no matter what, he taught me what real patience was and how not to take ourselves to seriously. I tried to visit Mr. Gant several times at his home however was not able to content… Just wanted to put this out there – if there were more men like Wally in this world it would be alot better World for sure

By: Roy Schoen Tue, 23 Nov 2021 21:06:40 +0000 I only knew Wally through church. He was always welcoming and greeted me with a smile. We would talk about family and he’d express his love for his family.
My condolences to his family.

By: Lonnie Gates Tue, 23 Nov 2021 20:58:21 +0000 Sorry to hear of the passing of your father Chris. I remember at all the games and I recall him as always being kind.

By: Rena Esther Payeton Tue, 23 Nov 2021 19:18:52 +0000 Prayers and condolences for my family.
