
April 20, 2023

Ways to Arrange a Celebration of Life

The passing of a family member or loved one can cause a lot of grief and sadness. You will likely feel a wide range of other emotions. In some situations, coping with this loss can seem impossible.

Though nothing can replace this individual in your life, there are ways to properly honor and remember the loved one you have lost. A celebration of life can help you and others reflect on what this person meant to everyone. If you are planning such an event, here are some ways to make it a positive, memorable experience.

Hold it at a Special Location

While a funeral typically takes place at a funeral home, a celebration of life should occur at a more meaningful, personal place. Plan on holding it somewhere that connects well to the deceased. This should be a location where the person had special memories, spent a lot of time, or felt most comfortable or at peace during life. For example, this might be at a park, in the mountains, or at someone’s home.

Choose People to Share Memories and Stories

In the wake of the passing of a loved one, there will be mourning. This is part of the healing process. But with a celebration of life, surviving family members and friends can find a lot of peace by talking about the person who died.

Before the gathering, talk to people close to the deceased about sharing some stories from his or her life. Don’t pressure anyone to do this, but those who are comfortable can talk about what the person meant to them. The speaker can relate inspirational and even humorous stories. This is a good occasion to reflect on cherished memories and tender feelings.

Gather Photos

You have heard the saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Photos can capture emotions, feelings, thoughts, and memories. Pictures of the person are vital components of a celebration of life. You can collect them from various family members and friends, capturing moments from throughout the individual’s life.

You can display the photos in a few different ways. You can arrange them in physical albums and place them throughout the venue on tables and walls. You can also make a slideshow and play it during the event. Afterward, surviving family members can have the photos as keepsakes.

Play Meaningful Music

Having music at this event is another effective way to remember the person and create a pleasant ambiance. It can also help people feel connected to the person and help family members and other loved ones heal. Choose the individual’s favorite songs that you can play throughout the event. You can play these over a speaker or even have someone play some songs on a piano, if applicable.

Serve Some Refreshments

You may choose to have a big meal with your celebration of life, which can work well in smaller gatherings. But you can also opt for refreshments that your guests can enjoy. Beverages and snacks can help people feel more at ease. You can even ask guests to bring items to share. Of course, you may consider serving some refreshments that the deceased loved one enjoyed the most.

Record the Celebration of Life

This is an occasion you may want to document for posterity. In addition, some family members and friends may not be able to attend in person. To include as many people as possible, and to revisit the event whenever you want, record the event. You can even live stream it online for people to watch in other locations.

The Bottom Line

To remember someone who has passed away, a celebration of life can be a perfect idea. Here, you can talk about the individual’s achievements and reflect on the many relationships the person had. You can also call the dedicated professionals at Wyuka Cemetery for help and further ideas. Contact us today at 402-474-3600.


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