Funeral Home

Funeral Home
Established in 2000, Wyuka Funeral Home is committed to preserving Wyuka Cemetery’s rich heritage and beauty. The funeral home’s 9,700 square feet offers you and your family complete funeral care services. Wyuka Funeral Home is located on cemetery grounds, so your family is able to make all arrangements from one convenient location at affordable prices.
Designed with your family’s comfort in mind, Wyuka Funeral Home includes a ground level area and inspirational chapel seating. The soft tones and gracious furnishings throughout the building convey a feeling of calmness and security. Wyuka Funeral Home includes large visitation areas and private arrangement rooms. The lovely exterior of the building boasts a patio area overlooking tranquil landscaping and soothing water views. Wyuka Funeral Home is fully handicapped accessible and offers an ample, well lighted parking area for guests.
Wyuka Funeral Home is Lincoln’s premier choice of funeral care.

The death of a loved one is always difficult. That’s why we are here. To comfort, to provide options, to help. Wyuka is trusted by families everywhere because of our reputation for caring service and because we offer the widest variety of affordable options available in the area.


At Wyuka Cemetery and Funeral Home, we understand that losing
a loved one is always difficult. Funerals are a way to gather as a community, say last goodbyes, and celebrate their life, and we would be honored to walk alongside you through the planning process. No individual is the same, so we encourage families to create a personalized service.
There are a wide range of funeral services from which to choose. We know that funeral planning can be overwhelming, especially with all the decisions that have to be made. Whether your preference is to have a traditional funeral, memorial, cremation or Veterans service, our directors will help you guide through all the necessary details with compassion and skill.
Our funeral directors welcome your questions about costs. However, it’s important to note that each funeral is planned to meet the special needs of the family, making it somewhat difficult to speak in generalities about the “typical” funeral or “typical” costs. There are certain expenses basic to almost every funeral, but many are determined by the selections that are made, the services specified and the additional items requested. We will gladly walk you through each step, answering questions along the way.

Similar to a funeral service, a memorial is a time to gather
together and honor, remember, and celebrate your loved one. The difference between a Memorial Service and a Funeral is that typically the body isn’t present at the memorial service. With that in mind, please know that the memorial can be held in the days immediately following the death, or weeks later – the timing and preference is unique to each situation and family. Our directors can answer any questions you have about cost, planning or details; we would be honored to walk alongside you through the planning process.

Cremation is a rapidly growing trend in the United States,
with just over 50% of those who died in 2016 selecting cremation for their final disposition (according to FuneralBasics). With cremation, there are three service options: traditional service before cremation, memorial service after cremation, and direct cremation. If you would like to have a funeral service before cremation, you can look under our “Funeral” tab for more information. If you would prefer to have a memorial service, you can find more information under our “Memorial” tab. If a memorial service is what you would prefer, please know that you can have the memorial service at any time after the cremation, with or without the urn.
In regards to the urn, your family can keep it, scatter the ashes, or have the urn buried. Typically, cremation is a more affordable option, and our directors can answer any questions you have about cost, planning, or details. No matter what option you choose, we’re here to help you have a meaningful ceremony.


According to Public Law 106-65, upon the family’s request every
eligible Veteran receives a military funeral honors ceremony. A Military Funeral Honors ceremony includes the folding and presenting of United States burial flag and the playing of Taps. The law defines a military funeral honors detail as consisting of two or more uniformed military persons, with at least one being a member of the Veteran’s parent service of the armed forces.
Information provided by the U.S Department of Veterans Affairs
If a military funeral honors ceremony is something your family is interested in, we would be honored to walk alongside you through the planning process.
Honor a Loved One
We are here to comfort
to provide options, and to help.
Plan a Memorial
Relieve your family of emotional and
financial burdens.
Meet the Directors
We are dedicated to providing
you with the best care.